Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tomorrow is the day!

Tomorrow I have to be at the hospital by 8:30. So we drop off Joslyn at Grandma's house about 8:00. She lives less than a mile from the hospital. I check in and wait until they call me back. I am following another c-section at 10:00. Then during my c-section I will be getting my tubes tied.  I am interested in seeing how this will affect my recovery time. Then after that it's baby time! Momma Marcie will bring Joslyn up when we get out of recovery. And I hope to post pics to facebook when I can that day. And if I can I will update you too!

Please remember us in your prayers tomorrow that Jaxon comes out a healthy kiddo. I would love to  hear your thoughts on what his weight will be. Remember on the 5th he was 7lbs 12oz.

I will update you all soon.



  1. I am going with 8 lbs 4oz, in hopes they were a little off on the 5th

  2. Love you, Dearest! Praying for easy, healthy, joyful day for all of you!!!

  3. Good luck today! I am so excited for you and your family!! :)
