Monday, June 18, 2012

Pregnancy week 22

I know, I know! This is getting rediculous! It has been two weeks since I posted last. I have been busy! Finally getting some energy back means using that energy to keep my kiddo happy and cleaning out the junk in my house. I am focusing mostly on the closets and areas that I will be needing to store baby things. We have realized that we are going to need a double stroller for both of these kiddos, since Joslyn still runs off occasionally, though she is doing better. I am still no farther along in potty training her. It really involves us not going anywhere and me not being afraid of cleaning up the mess. I have learned though in many things that if I avoid the messy projects that I am afraid to clean up, she will create a different mess out of boredom. I hate mess and yet live in it constantly! Oh well, I will save that rant for the therapist later.

My baby boy is the size of a spaghetti squash and weighs about 1 pound! Although he is not a very active baby yet, I am starting to feel his movements more distintively. He loves to move when I am settling down to sleep. I have cleaned out a lot of room in his side of the closet, to make room for clothes. Now all I need are little blue hangers and clothes. We have been given about twenty pairs of baby boy shoes right now and I have to get a shoe hanger for his side of the closet.

Joslyn has been really cute by kissing the belly, but she still wants to climb all over me. She wears me out constantly and I am having major trouble keeping up. I still have to pick her up occasionally because she falls asleep in the car, but otherwise she is doing a little better about staying with me. We have had to walk the doggies lately, because daddy is working a crazy schedule and she is very helpful with holding the bag. She also loves to help me take out the trash. I find a little piece of trash she can carry and we walk together. I am very grateful for my adoptive mom Marcie for taking Joslyn on some days, so I can get laundry done. Last week in between loads I was able to take a dip in the pool, by myself and it was heavenly! I was the only one in the pool and I enjoyed the peace and quiet!
Otherwise, we have resumed our Emeals menu and it is working fabulously! I have made some wonderful new creations! We have a boatload of stuff to take to storage, including a piano! My friend is giving us an upright piano that will be wonderful for lessons later in life. But, our apt is a little too small for a piano right now. So into storage it goes. We had a great Father's Day and made daddy his favorite Not Yo Momma's Banana pudding. I also cooked three meals that day and I believe it was the first time we did not go out to eat on a holiday! Yeah for us!

So I know that many of you are wanting to know the name of the baby and we have decided to keep that a secret until week 30. So you will have to tune back in then for that. But here is a hint. Joslyn wants to name her brother Hippo, we probably won't go with that advice. Have a blessed week!


  1. I hope the potty training goes a little better for you! We are finally back into the swing of things with that after Memorial Day weekend. She even went in the potty for daddy on Father's Day (such a present...I know ).

    I think inevitably....the baby will be called hippo at some point :) Good luck and I'm glad you are getting some energy back. It's nice to feel human again!

    1. Thanks Shannon. I guess I will have to get used to the hippo. Really really soon, you will have that baby!

  2. congrats---and btw i have an old upright piano--they are great--hi i am a new follower!

    1. Welcome Lynn! I am so glad to have you. I hope that my mom moves back into town one day and is able to teach piano lessons. She is the piano player in the family.

  3. good luck with everything!! by the time my last couple of kids were in diapers I realized it was easier if they stayed in they essentially trained themselves, and said they didn't want to wear them any more and would rather use a accidents, no arguments..

    1. I bet having older siblings helped them learn easier too! Joslyn has gone pee in the potty twice today! PTL! I am hoping this continues!

  4. I have a double stroller that we are no longer using... :)
