Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Give me mine!

"Give me my chair, Momma" she demands. "Say please" I demand right back. Oh the attitude of us children. "I deserve it, because I work hard!" "I don't want to do that, it will make me look crazy!" "I am good enough, let someone else help them!"

Lord, thank you for what you have given me! Thank you for my life and all it's problems. I know I don't deserve the people and things that pass through my life. Help me to remember this, during times of laziness and stubbornness and just plain pride. Help me to use everything you have given me to bring you glory. This world is not about my pursuit of happiness. The people of this world are hurting and desperately needing you. Help me not to become judgemental and puffed up because I already have you. Show me everyday that I have nothing to boast for without You! Thank you for breaking my prideful spirit and replacing it with brokenness. Thank you for showing me life through these different lenses. To see people as who you've made them to be and not as the world sees them. Help me never to become complacent in my faith again. Relying on myself to fix the messes I get into instead of asking you for help! Thank you for bringing me the program of Celebrate Recovery and for the hearts of those who help me seek you everyday!! Thank you for those that read this blog and help me stay accountable to doing what you ask me to do. Help me to really listen to you and write whatever you ask. Thank you Lord for today and for my stubborn daughter. Heaven knows where she gets it from. Hehe!


  1. yes..thank you God in good times and bad times...we really have all been there!! That is funny I never realized they get their stubbornness from me!!

    1. I know isn't crazy how we pass down the stubbornness?

  2. The greatest gift you can give your daughter is a heritage in Christ :) Good job visiting you from my Make my morning blog hop. I've sang " Hosanna" many times I'm also a professional singer & worship leader at our church.
