Thursday, November 10, 2011

Corinthian writers

"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts."
2 Corinthians 3:3

We are to be the letters of Christ. Speaking only truth and love to others. There are many ways to show God's love! And the way God has shown me that we are to focus that love is through letters. There is power in written word. I know that Paul didn't have email or facebook, but I can't help but think that if he had all the technology we did that he would still hand write his letters. I think as a society that we enjoy our technology a little too much! Don't get me wrong I love Facebook and email and mobile phones and laptops. But, no email can compare to getting a letter in the mail. And no amount of Facebook can substitute for real face time!

As a young teenager, I was blessed to be a part of Big Brothers, Big Sisters. Not long after joining the program, I got to meet Tina my new big sister! I was thrilled! Sometimes we went to lunch and other times we went to movies. But the overall feeling I remember about being with Tina was that I had someone to talk to about my crazy life. It didn't matter what was going on in my life I could always talk to her. And still to this day she is my big sister. We eat lunch together and get our kids together and she still gives me great advice! I love her and it will never matter that we are not blood related. I love the BBBS program! But it is a long complicated process to become a big sister. Their are background checks and house inspections. It's almost like getting checked out to become a foster parent! Then if you get approved, you get a kiddo and you have to spend a certain amount of time with them and it usually requires money. Most of these kids are poor, so you want to spend money on them and take them places. I think this is awesome, but I know of so many women young and older that would be great mentors to girls and boys, but can't go through that process or can't afford it.
God has put pen pals on my mind for awhile. I kept thinking how wonderful it would be if Joslyn had someone to write to and talk to. I mean what a wonderful gift it would be to have a friend across the world! But what would be more amazing is if the person who wrote to her was a woman with strong Christian values and a heart for God! Someone that could be her friend and love her for who she is and possibly give her advice when she doesn't want to talk to mom anymore.
So many young girls out there don't have any parents to talk to. They don't have a Christian influence in their lives to help them make good decisions. Most of them only make decisions based on their friends opinions or based upon their lack of caring people. What if we could put a Christian woman in their life for only the cost of an envelope and stamp! This is what this ministry is to me, this is what I was designed for!
So let me say that there is so much to do! I have a small group of women that have agreed to be a part of this ministry. But God has laid it upon my heart to ask you! Can you write? Can you afford a stamp and paper? Do you love God with all of your heart? Them you can be a part of this ministry! You don't have to live close to me. You just need about an hour to make a difference in some ones life. I also need some more ministry leaders! Has this touched you? Do you feel that you can make a bigger impact by praying for the ministry, designing the ministry, or helping us find writers or girls? Then we need you! We also need some wonderful Christian men to step up so that we can be bringing this ministry to young men eventually. So there it is! What I have been working on! So what can you do?


  1. I can write if you want me to!

  2. Absolutely Beth! I think you would make a great writer!

  3. Really cool, Brown! This sounds wonderful, and I LOVE the name :)
